Monday, August 30, 2010

Just a little bit of time---

has passed since I last posted. I feel so horrible for not updating as I was hoping that my precious child could one day go back and see just what their mommy/daddy went through during the pregnancy.

I know I won't be able to go back & capture everything but I'm going to try to highlight some of the milestones. I also hope to share what is to come in the next 4 weeks as I'm 36 weeks now! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Morning Sickness & all that Jazz

I definitely feel different this pregnancy than I did the last. Is that a good thing I hope so. My boobs were really sore in the beginning and I am ready for bed by 9pm. 2 good pregnancy signs. No real morning sickness though. Then my boobs stopped hurting and I wish I had morning sickness. All the tricks your mind plays on you when you're going through something you really can't control.

On my way to work the other day, 6w1d, I started to get REALLY nausea. Thank goodness I had a trash bag there because it quickly became my barf bag. I threw up 5 times. I felt horrible the rest of the day. I haven't thrown up since but the nausea is more & more frequent.

Yesterday, 7w3d I had terrible nausea and dry heaving most of the morning, afternoon. A's parents wanted us to go to lunch & I had to send A alone. Nothing sounded good to eat and I just couldn't stand the smell of anything.

The other night while snowed in A roasted a whole chicken. I smelled great, looked great I just couldn't eat it. WHY? He kept asking me. I have NO idea why I just can't eat it. He made chicken pie the next day with the left over meat & I could eat everything else in the pie but the chicken. Wacky I know...

I can't complain when I'm's all going to be worth it in the end!!!

New York, New York--Sunday, February 7th

Mommy & Daddy went to New York City today with Aunt A. & Uncle L. We were nervous we wouldn't be able to go because of the winter weather. We got about 16 inches of snow of Saturday and we weren't sure if we'd make it. Daddy got everything dug out and we were ready to roll around 11am on Sunday morning. We were shocked because there was no snow or anything in New York at all. Mommy did a good job of getting us a hotel, Hamp.ton Inn on 8th & 51st St. It was a great location and the hotel was very nice for the price. We paid $152.10 for the night. Steal..even with a hot breakfast the next morning.

Today was the Super Bowl so Daddy & Uncle L watched the game at Dave &'s and Mommy & Aunt A. went to see a show on Broadway. We saw, Next to Normal. It was fabulous. We waited in line for tickets at TKTS and got a deal. 50% off so for $62.00 a seat we were 8 rows from the stage.

We ended up going back to the hotel around 12 midnight and I was VERY tired. I'm not used to staying up so late anymore. You make me VERY tired lately. The next day we had a lot planned so I needed a good nights rest.

We met Aunt Allie at Daddy's favorite pizza place in the city. Lomba.rdi's! It was awesome as always. We then did some shopping around the city & made it to our real destination...The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I bought Daddy tickets for this show for his birthday last year so we finally got to go see it. It was really cool seeing a real show being produced. We all enjoyed it.

We went back to the hotel to get all of our luggage and got the car out of valet parking. The journey home started and we had to say Goodbye to a great weekend in The Big Apple.

You've been doing a lot of traveling in your short time here...Florida, NYC...WOW!!!

Thursday, February 4th 6w1d

We had our appointment scheduled for today at 6pm. This was again something that I was so anxious for. This was the big 1st U/S. I couldn't wait to see our little bean to confirm that everything was good. Dr. M & the nurse came in and we were ready to begin. I was so nervous I think I could see my heart beating out of my chest. As soon as she began I right away saw the gestational sac and let out a loud, awwwwww!!!! A had NO idea what he was seeing but Dr. M & the nurse did an awesome job of explaining and showing us everything they were seeing. The gestational sac measured perfect as did the yolk sac. We then saw the most unbelievable sight...our little baby, OUR babies heart was flickering on the screen. I saw it with my own eyes and tears just started to run down my face. A & I held hands and we were just in awe of that magical moment. They were then able to turn the sound on for us and we heard the heartbeat. 114bpm!!! PERFECT! The little bean measured right on track at 6w1d. We couldn't be more excited for what for the next few months have to offer.

Beta, beta, beta

I had to go back in 48 hrs. for a repeat beta which is just as nerve wreaking as going for the 1st beta.

Thursday, January 21st
Beta - 241

Monday, January 25th
Beta -
E2- ?
P4- 18

18---that scared the crap out of me. Why was it dropping. They said I could come back in on Friday to have repeat and if it didn't rise we could start a progestrone supplement.

Friday, January 29th
Beta - 4491
E2- 275

18----ugh!! I started PIO which I didn't want to have to do but if it's going to save this pregnancy getting the PIO in my bum once a night isn't going to kill me. I will hopefully start to wean off of this around 8 weeks.

Beta Day!

Tuesday, January 19th was BETA DAY!

I went to the office so excited to be able to share the news with them that I had infact gotten at positive home pregnancy test. I mentioned to A the night be after getting the negative (at first) that I'd love more than anything to get a positive home test and just be able to enjoy that moment!

After seeing the positive pop up on the screen I RAN into the bedroom, turned on the light, and yelled A, A, A. He quickly sat up in bed & had no idea what was going on. I handed him the test and he just said, what does it say? I said, PREGNANT!!! He was thrilled as I was. It was special moment for us to share and be happy together.

It again took forever for them to call me but I told the lab girl that she better hurry it up today!! They called around 10:30am and said...The home test was right! YOU ARE PREGNANT!

E2- 175
P4- <20


Monday, January 18th--2 lines REALLY?!?

I just had gotten home from Florida the night before and A & were watching TV. Something got in me and I went upstairs to the BR. I knew I had 1 dollar store pregnancy test from previous IVF cycles so I thought..."what the heck, I'll do it!" Now mind you it's 7pm at night & I'm only 12dpo. I peed in a cup, dropped 3 drops of pee in the window and waiting...waiting, waiting,'s all you do while TTC. Right away the control line got dark and no line appeared. I knew it was going to be negative so I walked out of the bathroom. I came back downstairs wondering if I should even tell A that I caved and POAS (peed on a stick!) I did tell him and he got mad. Why do you do that to yourself he said to me. Oh well....I'm used to it I thought. I went back up to the BR about 2 hrs. later to pee again and looked down at the sink. I think I saw something...something that looked like a 2nd line. It was faint but there was a 2nd line. There was,,,there really was! I ran downstairs & handed it to A. He got the cutest grin on his face and, I think we're pregnant! I quickly started googling +hpt's and found out that anything over 10 min. isn't a valid reading. I had NO idea when that lined appeared as I walked out of the BR the first time within 1 min. :(

I started to scramble around the linen closet & I found a C.VS Digital test. I wanted to do it right then and there but I figured I better wait for fresh morning urine. WOW, talk about waiting...that was a long wait! I got up around 2AM and held it cause it wasn't long enough to POAS yet. Finally around 4:30AM I ran to the BR, opened the package and peed. WOW that felt good. I sat it on the window sill while washing my hands. I didn't want to look at it but I glanced down when drying my hands and what did I see...the most beautiful word I think I saw all week, maybe all month! PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!